
HOME > 基礎体力研究所 > 研究成果



  • Ichinose M, Saito M, Fujii N, Ogawa T, Hayashi K, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T
    Modulation of the control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity during incremental leg cycling.
    Journal of Physiology, 586: 2753-2766, 2008.
  • Saito M, Hachiya T and Iwase S
    Resistance exercise training enhances sympathetic nerve activity during fatigue-induced isometric handgrip trials.
    European Journal of Applied Physiology, in press.
  • Sato K, A. Hirasawa N, Tsunoda Y, Taniguchi Y, Sadamoto T
    Cerebrovascular response during heavy upper body exercise: effect of mode of ventilation on blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery.
    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, (in press).
  • Yoshizawa M, Shimizu-Okuyama S, Kagaya A
    Transient increase in femoral arterial blood flow to the contralateral non-exercising limb during one-legged exercise.
    European Journal of Applied Physiology, 103: 509-514, 2008
  • Ueda C, Kagaya A
    Muscle reoxygenation difference between superficial and deep regions of the muscles during static knee extension.
    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, in press.
  • Kagaya A, Yoshizawa M, Maeda S, Tanaka H
    Comments on point: counterpoint: exercise training does/does not induce vascular adaptations beyond the active muscle beds.
    Journal of Applied Physiology, 105: 1009-1010, 2008.
  • Kagaya A, Ohmori F, Okuyama S, Muraoka Y, Sato K
    Blood flow and arterial vessel diameter change during graded handgrip exercise in dominant and non-dominant forearms of tennis players.
    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, in press.
  • 岩館雅子,定本朋子
  • Sadamoto T, Moriyama M, Sato K
    Cortical tissue oxygenation during static handgrip exercise and postexercise muscle ischemia.
    Journal of Exercise Science, 17: 1-11, 2007.
  • Sato K, Sadamoto T
    Internal carotid artery blood flow and cerebrobascular resistance during dynamic exercise.
    Journal of Exercise Science, 17: 20-28, 2007.
  • Demarie S, Quaresima V, Ferrari M, Billat V, Sbriccoli P, Faina M
    Auxiliary Muscles and Slow Component during Rowing International Journal of Sports Medicine 2008; 29: 823?832
  • Osada T, Nagata H, Murase N, Shimomura K, Kime R, Shiroishi K, Nakagawa N, Katsumura T
    Relationship of hemodynamics among upper abdominal aorta and femoral arteries: basis for measurement of arterial blood flow to abdominal-pelvic organs.
    Medical Science Monitor 15 (in press)
  • Osada T, Radegran G.
    Femoral artery blood flow and its relationship to spontaneous fluctuations in rhythmic thigh muscle workload.
    Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (in press)
  • Shibuya K, Ueda C, Sato K, Shimizu-Okuyama S, Saito M, Kagaya A, Kamo M, Osada T, Sadamoto T
    Perceived exertion is not necessarily associated with altered brain activity during exercise.
    Journal of Physiological Anthropology (in press)


  • 定本朋子,佐藤耕平
    身体トレーニングの科学 Section10 トレーニングと循環.トレーニングと血流量 (宮村実晴編),
    真興交易医書出版部,東京 印刷中.


  • 斉藤 満
    第59回日本体育学会.東京. 2008.
  • 斉藤 満、定本朋子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 高石鉄雄、對馬明、植屋節子、島典広、小原史朗、斉藤 満
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 片山敬章、石田浩司、斉藤 満
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 大森 芙美子,佐藤耕平,奥山静代,加賀谷淳子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 佐藤耕平, 上田千穂子, 澁谷顕一, 奥山靜代, 加茂美冬, 長田卓也, 斉藤 満, 加賀谷淳子, 定本朋子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 佐藤耕平, 定本朋子
    第16回日本運動生理学会. 奈良. 2008.
  • 佐藤耕平, 平澤 愛, 角田直也, 谷口有子, 定本朋子
    第59回日本体育学会. 東京. 2008.
  • 定本朋子,佐藤耕平, 笹原千穂子,澁谷顕一,加茂美冬,斉藤満,長田卓也,奥山靜代,加賀谷淳子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 奥山靜代,大森芙美子,佐藤耕平,加賀谷淳子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 加茂美冬
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 上田千穂子,加賀谷淳子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 澁谷顕一、上田千穂子、佐藤耕平、奥山靜代、斉藤満、加賀谷淳子、加茂美冬、長田卓也、定本朋子
  • 大森芙美子,佐藤耕平,奥山静代,加賀谷淳子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 小田俊明,姫野龍太郎,大森芙美子,森 曜生,水村真由美、加賀谷淳子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 平澤 愛, 佐藤耕平, 山本幸弘, 定本朋子
    第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008.
  • 大森芙美子,奥山靜代,村岡慈歩,森曜生,鈴木早紀子,水村真由美,加賀谷淳子
    第15回医用近赤外線分光法研究会. 東京. 2008.
  • 加賀谷淳子
    人の身体運動解明へのチャレンジ -運動時の循環調節研究から-.
    運動と循環研究会. 東京. 2008.
  • 加賀谷淳子
    日本学術会議健康・生活科学委員会 健康・スポーツ科学分科会、健康・スポーツ科学関連学術連合(仮称)共催. 2008.
  • 加賀谷淳子
    第7回ヘルスケアソルーション研究会. 2008.
  • 加賀谷淳子
    第19回日本臨床スポーツ医学会学術集会.千葉. 2008.
  • Saito M, Hachiya T
    The effects of resistance training on sympathetic neural activity response during fatiguing static handgrip exercise.
    13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008.
  • Sato K, Sadamoto T
    Cerebral blood flow responses in internal carotid and vertebral artery during dynamic exercise.
    13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008.
  • Sato K, Hirasawa A, Sadamoto T
    Cerebrovascular response during heavy upper body exercise: effect of mode of ventilation on blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery.
    The 36th Annual conference international society on oxygen transport to tissue. Sapporo, Japan. 2008.
  • Kagaya A, Ohmori F, Okuyama S, Muraoka Y, Sato K
    Blood flow and arterial vessel diameter change during graded handgrip exercise in dominant and non-dominant forearms of tennis players.
    36th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Sapporo. Japan. 2008.
  • Sadamoto T, Sato K, Hirasawa A, Yamamoto Y
    Different flow responses of renal and splanchnic arteries during Dynamic exercise.
    13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008.
  • Kamo M Morimoto S
    Changes in force output of human muscle fibers during repetitive activation at physiological rates
    13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008.
  • Ueda C, Kamo M, Saito M, Kagaya A, Osada T, Sato K, Shibuya K, Okuyama S, Sadamoto T
    Effect of tendon vibration during submaximal static elbow flexion exercise on muscle oxygenation.
    13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008.
  • Ueda C, Kagaya A
    Muscle reoxygenation difference between superficial and deep regions of the muscles during static knee extension.
    36th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Sapporo. Japan. 2008.
  • Shibuya K, Iwadate M, Sadamoto T
    Reduced contribution of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex to force modulation with habituation for exercise in humans: An NIRS study.
    Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., USA. 2008.
  • Kagaya A, Ohmori F, Okuyama S, Muraoka Y, Sato K
    Blood flow and arterial vessel diameter change during graded handgrip exercise in dominant and non-dominant forearms of tennis players.
    36th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Sapporo. Japan. 2008.